photo of myself wearing Angelic Pretty brown/tan Girly Leopard one piece dress

[fashion] International Lolita Day! Winter 2024

Welcome to another International Lolita Day, first Saturday in December! I had the vague plan to dress in J-fashion today but it was cold and rainy and my mom came over so I was feeling lazy. Then I went on Insta and was reminded of ILD, so I decided to make a coord for the occasion and take a pic on my phone in my trusty bathroom.

photo of myself wearing Angelic Pretty brown/tan Girly Leopard one piece dress
[fashion, 2024]
[one piece dress: Angelic Pretty; hairband, rings: Liz Lisa; hairbow: Milk; shoes: Taobao; tights, necklace: Forever 21; earrings: Daiso]

This was a quick and easy coord considering I didn’t have matching hair accessories or socks lol. I did commission my friend to make me matching press-on nails, which I love. The battery and/or battery charger for my DSLR is no longer working and I bought replacement batteries and charger to try to find out what’s going on, but that explains the crunchy quality of this photo, normally I would not take coord photos on my phone. Anyway, I love this particular print and colorway, so hime, but I am hoping I come across the jumperskirt someday. Like most recent-ish Angelic Pretty one piece dresses, this dress is really tight under the bust and hard to zip up by myself since it’s a high back zipper. The matching fur collar is so cute and makes it perfect for winter though, so I am glad I got the one piece dress, just could use some elastic. Also wish I had matching socks or hair accessories but apparently AP did not make any, so I just used what I already had and it looks fine from afar. If I really wore this to a meet, I would have worn a brown wig and brought a red purse, but otherwise I have no other notes. Hooray for one piece dresses!

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